Saturday 26 April 2008

Great Victory on the Great Exam !!

Finally, we (the third-year students) had ended our National exam on April 24, 2008. I felt so relieved to be free from studies, free from pressure, and free from the burden stuck in my head. I feel just like someone who just got his freedom. The next thing I'll do is already on the list, which is to be productive during the school holiday: Learn Calculus, programming, and languages, and do the daily chores. I'll also hang out as usual. Staying home for such a long time has made me feel the difference this time. It is so boring! I feel like I want to go back to school to be with friends but it's not the time anymore. This is what we call "graduation". This is how it ended. It's time for us to go on our own way of life to search for the purposes of life. At last, be successful!

Saturday 12 April 2008

The National Exam Schedule

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
08:00-10:00 Indonesian language
10:30-12:30 Mathematics

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
08:00-10:00 English language
10:30-12:30 Chemistry

Thursday, April 24, 2008
08:00-10:00 Physics
10:30-12:30 Biology

Good Luck !!!

Trip to Universitas Sumatera Utara

What a nice trip today! We left Sutomo 1 for Universitas Sumatera Utara (University of North Sumatera) at 9:30 AM. Our purpose is to visit the library there. The library has 4 levels, with about 500,000 collections of books. You can get more information about Universitas Sumatera Utara (University of North Sumatera) at the official website. Here are some photographs that I have taken during our trip.

Saturday 5 April 2008

Graduation is getting near

Wow.. time passes so fast. It's still 2 weeks before the National exam. So quick. It feels like riding a time machine and moving twice faster than before. To celebrate this event, many of us (I and my friends) make our own diaries. Within a week, I had collected more than 50 diaries written for me, haha... That is because I use a fantastic method. I spread the diary papers to many people simultaneously.