Saturday 26 January 2008

Sudoku : Game Over

What a bad day! I just passed the 1st round out of 3 rounds. But it is okay, at least, I've learned something from that. Don't forget to congratulate me on being in the top 30 from a total of 96 participants. The first round was very easy. I just took a glance and filled in. The second round was quite difficult, not as easy as the first round. There were only me and Vannessa who represented XII-A-6 and both of us didn't pass, haha.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Computer 2nd Semester

First impression: So boring!! The feeling of being taught by Mr. B is really different from that of Mr. D. Mr. B is so clumsy. It's not surprising for me that my class is usually a hyper-active class and it became a less-active class on that day. Can u imagine that? Mr. B has successfully made a change. But it's not a good change because, on the first day, many of us felt sleepy, haha. It was so silent. We were studying in silence. It was so boring, haha.

Friday 18 January 2008

No Physics Today

During today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday), all Physics teachers will be trained by teachers from Jakarta, so we don't have Physics class today. We don't go to school on Saturdays, except for those who take extracurricular activities. The first and second sessions were Mandarin, and we practiced pinyin. Then, in the Indonesian Language and Literature class, we jotted down some notes just to show that we were doing something, haha. For the Chemistry class, we also jotted some notes. Then, the Physics teacher didn't come, which meant that we had freedom for 2 sessions. Finally, 2 sessions of Biology, was such a sleepy moment. Huaaaahhh...

Monday 14 January 2008

After holidays

Too many holidays make me difficult; difficult to wake up in the morning, difficult to write but it is easy to pass the day by day because of the activities I have every day. There is Math homework for today, and also singing homework. By the way, the spectacular event of P2S1 will be held soon on this month, haha. This is the most interesting moment because there will be competitions to prove whose class is the best.

Because I have my private Chemistry course today, so I will write a little bit about it. It starts with my teacher, Ross Erny. I have known her since the second year of high school. She is a quiet person who rarely smiles. She is actually a kind teacher but she seldom smiles. That's why we said that she has a "precious" smile. There's Tommy AW. Hmm... No comment. And there is Edbert (Piko), a very talkative boy, annoying but he is a good person. He always lives up to the party, haha. After that, there's Christy, a very funny girl. She always gets annoyed by us, haha. And the last one is Janice, a quite pretty girl, and a kind friend. Why is that so? Because she always shares her answers with me. Lucky me, haha

Tuesday 8 January 2008

So Far So Free

Good news for these several days: no homework. Besides, no school day for the one who doesn't take the remedial exam. There are 3 days of remedial exam holiday, including 1 public holiday making a total of 4 perfect holidays. Well, these holidays don't mean being free at all because I have to review for the national exam.

Saturday 5 January 2008

Wireless Internet Connection School

It's a sunny day today. I was sitting in the school library, surfing on the Internet while waiting for the German language class. It was so nice. I wonder when I can get this wonderful facility after graduating from high school. As a matter of fact, I am very proud of my school being the first school in Medan that has a wireless internet connection. So cool! Haha. Low cost, high quality, good facility, friendly staff, nice teachers, everything good is there. That's Sutomo!

Friday 4 January 2008

Remedial Exam Schedule

January 8th, 2007 (Tuesday)
08.00-09.30 Chemistry
11.00-12.30 Civics
14.00-15.30 Biology

January 9th, 2007 (Wednesday)
08.00-09.30 Mathematics
11.00-12.30 Indonesian Language and Literature
14.00-15.30 ---

January 11th, 2007 (Friday)
08.00-09.30 Physics
11.00-12.30 English
14.00-15.30 ---

First Day of The First Month

Wow! It's a great day today. Only 47 out of 57 students came. The rest? No idea. They could be traveling, being lazy, going back to their hometown, being sick, etc. Freedom is still very obvious today, haha. For the 1st and 2nd sessions of the Mandarin lesson, we just read and wrote down the pinyin. The 3rd session was the Indonesian Language and Literature, we only jotted down some notes on the book. In the 4th session, we had Chemistry, it was truly FREEDOM! The 5th and 6th session was Physics, we did nothing besides chatting because our teacher, Aben, was busy with our data for the remedial exam. We've got a suitable slogan for him, which is "slow but sure", haha. In the last 2 sessions, we had Biology, it was boring and made people in the class sleepy. The teacher said, "Kalian itu di sini tinggal 4 bulan..saya minta rajin-rajin belajar! Kalian juga harus tau mao lanjut di mana, lanjut apa. Jangan kerjanya cuman main-main aja! Bukunya di baca! Ada yang gak ngerti di tanya! masuk bab baru nih?! Mutasi! Mutasi itu ... "