Saturday 15 March 2008

Back from Hibernation

What a great time I had had. I was busy all the time with books. Fiuuhh.. finally it's over now. But that doesn't mean I have got the free time. The National exam is waiting ahead and the final school exam is as well. Waa.. it seems like another great time is coming, haha... My comments about last semester's exam: Maths on the first day hmm.. Pretty good. Indonesian Language and Literature on the second day hmm.. Absolutely good. Chemistry on the third day, wow, extremely bad! It was the same with Physics on the fourth day, I got stuck in theory, actually, the English one. Then comes Biology hmm.. I was sure with 5 answers out of the total questions, it was terribly bad. The last one was Civics and English Literature, SO GOOD!

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